When you head outside for a refreshing dip in the pool, the last thing you want is to find bugs, leaf litter, and other debris floating around.…
Your backyard swimming pool is a place to relax and have fun, but you can also use it to play games with an educational twist. After all, even…
Many people get excited about traveling for summer vacation, but if your work takes you away from home, sticking around may sound like a more…
Does your child have a summer birthday? If you have a backyard pool, this is the perfect place to throw a party! Follow these steps to make your…
Backyard pools with saltwater generators have become a popular alternative to traditional chlorine pools. Once you learn the health benefits of a…
As the weather warms, you’re eager to get your backyard pool up and running again. Millennium Pool Service offers the pool opening packages you…
Ordinarily, the words “green pool” are a cause for concern because this indicates algae growing in the water. However, a green pool can…
You may only use your pool when the weather’s hot, but it requires proper care in every season if you hope for it to last many years to come.…
You’ve put a great deal of time, effort and money into making your pool beautiful and safe for your family to enjoy. Now, you notice a major…
All pools require maintenance. The water, pumps, filters and other components all need attention on occasion. But did you know that the pool…