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Taking Care of Maryland & Virginia’s Pool Demolition Needs

Swimming pool demolition is a process the must be handled by trained professionals like Millennium Pools & Spas. Whether you have a fiberglass shell or you need a concrete pool demolition, our team of swimming pool experts knows how to properly and safely deconstruct your pool. We make sure that the pool area gets filled in and covered to restore your property’s appearance and ensure the ground won’t cave in down the road. Each customer’s pool demolition is unique, and we approach every project with attention to its specific needs. Commercial and residential properties in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC are welcome to call us for onsite pool services.

Pool Demolition Services in Maryland & Virginia

Steps of the Partial Demolition Process

There are two ways to demolish your pool: Complete demolition and partial demolition. The pool demolition cost will vary between the two options, but partial demolition can be a practical and cost-effective method. For complete demolition, we remove the entire pool structure and cover the area with dirt. Partial demolition deconstructs only a portion of the pool. The general steps for partial pool demolition are as follows:

Turn the Power Off

We disconnect the power at the breaker box that goes to the pool.

Drain the Pool

The next step is to completely drain the pool of any water so that we can proceed with the demolition.

Drill Holes

Out team drills at least 20 holes through the bottom of your pool so that water doesn’t collect underneath the soil. If water builds up, it can turn the site where we filled in your pool area into a mud pit every time it rains.

Deconstruct the Side Walls

For this part of the process, we don’t completely remove the walls. Instead, we demolish the top portions of the sidewall – about two feet down – which allows the remaining pool material to lie well below the surface after we fill it in.

Backfill and Compact the Area

We then backfill the pool area using the demolished coping and tile. After backfilling the area, we compact the material so that your filled-in area doesn’t sink in the future.

Fill with Clean Dirt

To finish the demolition, we fill the top of the pool area with soil and re-sod the surface to restore your yard. This part of the process completely covers and hides the area where we demolished your pool.

Let the Pros Handle Your Pool Needs

You could wish to demolish your pool to cut costs on utilities, or you might decide you want a yard of green grass. Whatever reason you have for pool demolition, make sure you bring in Millennium Pools & Spas to complete it safely and properly.

Request an Estimate

Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit. Response time will vary depending on the time of the year and the type of request.

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