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Top Swimming Pool Accessories from Millennium Pools & Spas in Maryland

It might still be winter, but it’s never too early to think about improving your backyard swimming pool! Here are the top 10 accessories to buy now, so you’ll be ready to maximize the fun next summer.

  1. Individual floatation devices: Whether your goal is to keep young kids safe with floaties or clown around with pool noodles, floatation devices definitely make pool time more fun. Other ideas include inflatable rafts, inner tubes, and lounge chairs.
  2. Giant party raft: Individual floatation devices are fun, but if a group of people is hanging out, it’s even more fun to sit together on a giant inflatable. Find one that fits comfortably in your pool and accommodates the number of people you’re having over.
  3. Floating speakers: Normally, technology and pool water don’t mix. However, a waterproof Bluetooth speaker coupled with a buoyant base lets you play music from the middle of the pool! It’s the perfect way to make any party more fun.
  4. Volleyball net: Beach volleyball is a blast, but you’ll really make waves if you play in the water! All you need is a beach ball and a net designed to span the width of your swimming pool.
  5. Floating aqua table: This comes in many forms, from picnic tables you can eat at to inflatable ping pong or poker tables for playing games.
  6. Inflatable cooler: When you get thirsty, it’s a drag to get out of the pool just to get a drink. With an inflatable cooler, you can stay hydrated without leaving the water.
  7. Floating drink holders: Once you pull a drink from your inflatable cooler and take a refreshing sip, where do you put the can or bottle? You place it in the drink holder of your floatation devices, of course! You can also find standalone floating drink holders if you’re not using a floatation device.
  8. Pool umbrella: Some poolside shade is always appreciated, but you can even find in-pool umbrellas that attach to a table or float around freely on a buoy.
  9. Pool toy storage bin: You need somewhere convenient and accessible to store all these fun accessories. Keep a pool toy storage bin on the deck during the summer, and tuck it in the garage or shed for the winter.
  10. Inflatable movie screen: This is perfect for watching movies outside using a projector. For ease of use, find one with stakes and tethers to keep it from blowing around in the wind, along with fans for automatic inflation. Anyone up for watching Jaws while floating around the pool? Better start popping the popcorn!

Even with the latest pool accessories on hand, no one will want to dive in if the water is dirty. Choose Millennium Pool Service to help you keep up with pool maintenance. Get in touch today to request an estimate for next season. We are conveniently located in Frederick, MD and Springfield, VA to serve customers throughout the DC Metro area.

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